What if GU Comics… [ COMIC ]

Its been a long while since I last did a What if…? comic. And to kick off the event again, I felt that GU Comics would be an awesome comic to do.

[Edit: Make sure to hop over to GU Comics and see Woody’s take on my strip. Clearly Woody draws more like Woody than I ever will. Its pretty cool to see a comic response to one of these What if…?s and I appreciate Woody taking the time to do so. Also, I think Woody would hand me my ass in Guitar Hero if said event ever occurs. Thanks Woody!]

Besides being a great gaming comic, its also done my one of the nicest guys in the community… Woody Hearn. I first got a chance to meet Woody and his girlfriend Takara back at ConnectiCon (congrats on your little GU baby… only about a month late in doing so) and I had a blast hanging out with them. Hoping to cross paths again soon, but it looks as if it won’t happen again until this year’s ConnectiCon. That’s my loss, but don’t you lose out by not reading GU Comics! Its a great webcomic… especially if you’re into MMOs.

Don’t forget to pre-order your copy of the outer circle: Digging Up the Past. There’s only a handful sketch copies left. Check here for further details and information.

Also, who knew the previous comic would spur so much debate?
