And I am an overachiever! [ COMIC ]

Today’s comic is dedicated to my friend Robbie whom hates Bullet Witch. Oh, how he hates Bullet Witch. He hates it so very much.

A lot of us are guilty of playing crappy 360 games just for the achievements. I myself am even guilty of said crime. That’s the only reason I ever played King Kong, Madden ’06 and Open Season was for the easy achievement points… okay, Open Season wasn’t actually that bad, but I still wouldn’t have played it if it hadn’t been for the achievements. Still, those three thousand tainted achievement points still haunt me to this very day. None the less, I heard that TMNT is quick and easy one thousand points. I should really rent that soon.

Once again, don’t forget to pre-order your copy of the outer circle‘s first trade paperback… the outer circle: Digging Up the Past. Major thanks to everyone that pre-ordered, I greatly appreciate it and so does my wallet. A special pre-ordering thanks goes out to Pontus and Josh. Hell, when Josh was finished pre-ordering he went and donated an additional $23. Now that’s just friggin’ cool.

Thinking about it, if someone out there wants to donate $50 or more dollars, I’ll not only send you a copy of the book with all the bells and whistles but I will also do a custom pencil drawing of the character of your choice for you. If you donate $100 or more I’ll even digitally ink and color it and send you not only the original pencil, but a downloadalbe/printable PDF of the digital inking that you can use, print and do whatever you want with. Seriously, I really want to pay as little out of pocket with this book as I possibly can. So if you have a creative monotary solution, give me a holler. If you need more information about the pre-order, check out the previous comic. Thanks!
