Rejected Mega Man Villains X [ COMIC ]

This is the tenth Rejected Mega Man Villains. It’s been a while since I created the last one. Believe it or note it was right after ConnectiCon last year. Which was actually last July. After attending KatsuCon last weekend and having numerous people asking when I was going to do another one… I decided now was a good time.

Just to make sure you know, I do remember Shadow Man. Technically, Shadow Man was a ninja. But since you can actually see Shadow Man, he’s not a very good ninja. One boss being like another boss is nothing knew. And having similar gimmicks is very common for Mega Man bosses, as well. How about Fire Man, Heat Man, Flame Man and Burner Man for starters?

Now, something else that I have been asked about for while is if I will ever do any Rejected Mega Man Villains merchandise. Now that I have thirty Rejected Mega Man Villains I think its time for a poster. I might add a couple new ones to the poster, but it will definitely be the definitive Rejected Mega Man Villains collection.

I’m trying to get an idea of how many people would want one and how much its going to cost. The poster itself would be a full-size movie poster, but the interest will dictate how many I order and how much they will cost. So anyone interested in a Rejected Mega Man Villains poster let me know. I will total up the responses that get an estimate of price for the pre-ordering of the posters (letting me know you want one is not committing you to anything). Or if there’s too low of a response, I might cancel the project completely.The power is yours!

[Edit] I got a lot of positive responses. Thanks to everyone that took the time to let me know.
