Gaming in 1989 vs. 2009 [ COMIC ]

The four year anniversary celebration of Dueling Analogs continues today. Today’s guest strip was done by Ross “Rosscott” Nover of The System.

Ross may or may not know this, but he is actually one of the first webcomic people I ever actually met. It was Connecticon ’07 and I had only been doing Dueling Analogs for a year and a half at the time. I remember talking about website traffic, Rockets… ROCK OUT! and a secret Erfworld project that would not include Hawk. Now’s all big & famous creating The System and barely has time for little peons like me. Fortunately, he made some time to create today’s comic. Thanks, Ross and Happy Birthday, too!

Also, don’t forget that between now and Christmas you can save 20% off of your purchase cost at by entering the code “HOLIDAY” at checkout. And that the “Everyday in January” campaign is still going on, too.

Make sure to return on Monday for the final week of the celebration…
